Monday, May 7, 2012

GoPro Byron Bay Video and an update on how things are going in Australia.

I know it's been a while since my last post and I apologize for that. On the upside, I edited the video from Byron, so enjoy that. Things here in Australia have changed quite a bit. After Byron, I got back to the farm only to find that they had ran out of work, which would have been great information to know before I went to Byron, but I guess you can't expect that kind of communication out of a billion dollar cotton business. All in all it ended up working out better because I got a job at a cotton gin which ends up paying almost twice as much as what I was getting at the farm, and I dont have to spend the day doing bitch work like pulling out weeds and taking out trash while all the other guys drive tractors.

I found a cheap place to rent in town, and the cotton in is 10 minutes down the road. I work 12 hour shifts at night from 7pm to 7am, which I actually like a lot. The days go by fast and the money fills up in the bank account as well, but there really isn't much time for anything else which is good because it helps keep the bank filled.

Byron Bay was pretty much the most amazing thing ever. Travelers and backpackers from around the world who lack inhibitions, morals, and money. I fit in perfectly. So perfectly in fact that after ginning season is over I'll likely go back and begin my East Coast tour of Australia from there. My plan is the head north for the Winter, and then work my way back South for the summer finally ending up in Melbourne.

On another note, I cut off all my hair.

Don't bother asking if there is some grand explanation for the haircut because there is not, I just simply got tired of it and felt like something different. And with leaving the farm and coming to the gin I figured that it was as best a time as any. 

Another reason for not updating the blog lately has been my lack of internet. It wasn't until recently that I finally got internet, so I can now update when I do happen to have time, though that doesn't appear to be the case in the near future. Not until the ginning season is over at least. 

For those of you who dont know what I gin is, it is a factory that takes the cotton from the farmer and turns it into clean cotton by taking all the stick, seeds, and dirt out of it. It's actually a pretty amazing process. 

Well, here is my Byron Video, enjoy

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