Thursday, March 8, 2012

Red Belly Black Snakes, Eastern Brown Snakes, Siphon Flood Irrigation, And Cotton farming in Australia

Things down here are going very well. I've been pretty busy with work, with a week average being around 80 hours. It's pretty nice, there isn't much else to do, and the money is good. I took a few pictures and also took some videos with the shit camera that I have, so hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have a short little video of the farm work. Until then, here are a few pictures of me throwing siphons and the beautiful sunsets.

I'm hoping that in the next month or so I'll get a couple days off and head to Sydney or Brisbane and pick up a vehicle. If I had a car before I left the farm, I would be able to use the workshop to set it out how I want. They have a welder and wood working tools that would come in handy when trying to set up a backpacker ride.

The pictures of me throwing siphons are frames from the video I shot, which isn't great quality. The picture of the snake is a Red Belly Black Snake, which is one of the most deadly snakes in the world. I took these pictures of it before we beat the shit out of it with a post. I also almost got bit by a baby Eastern Brown Snake which is the 2nd most venomous snake in the world. It missed though and I didn't have time to take a pictures. They are very aggressive, and while it was coming after me, he didn't see Levi, who smashed him with a board.

The girl is my friend Leija, who was in Moree for work. We met at the pub. She was in town because Moree was declared a natural disaster because of the floods and she works for the government and had to come out in order to process claims. She is from Sydney.

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